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5th International Conference on Women's Issues in Transportation - Bridging the Gap
14-16 Apr 2014 Paris - La Défense (France)
Submit > Instructions and key datesInstructions for Abstract Submission and Notification to authorsClarificationsThe research that is sought is to inform policy that is evidence based, policy that is gender sensitive. The two volumes of Proceedings from the Fourth Conference constitute a substantial contribution to the body of literature on gender issues; all researchers considering submitting a paper should familiarize themselves with the research presented there which is relevant to their specific work and questions. Expanding on, or challenging, that research base is a key goal of the 5th Conference. ScheduleMonday November 19, 2012, COB: Deadline for the submission of the abstracts. Word Limit: 300 words. Submitters should include a clear statement of purpose and expected research, as well as information about data sources and methodologies, current status of the work, and up to five bibliographic references. The completed abstract submission form should be post on the http://wiit-paris2014.sciencesconf.org/ Monday February 18, 2013, COB: The authors are notified of the abstract review results (either abstract accepted for full paper, or not accepted) for those who submitted by November 19, 2012. Monday March 18, 2013, COB: The authors are notified of the abstract review results (either abstract accepted for full paper, or not accepted) for those who submitted by February 18, 2013. Monday July 1, 2013, COB: Deadline for the submission of the draft papers. Word Limit: 8000 words. This advanced draft should include the statement of hypothesis and the background and bibliography. The panel understands that some data may not be collected and analysis may still need to be conducted, so a description of the methodology and the type of data being sought would suffice. This step is not compulsory for conference participation, but is strongly recommended for abstracts with substantial comments. PLEASE READ THE PROCEEDING FROM THE PREVIOUS CONFERENCE AND CONFORM TO THE TRB FORMAT Prospective papers should be informed by the existing literature, including the proceedings of previous conferences: 2009: http://www.trb.org/main/blurbs/164708.aspx 2004: http://www.trb.org/Main/Blurbs/Womens_Issues_in_Transportation_Summary_of_the_4th_165294.aspx Other useful reading will be found at: https://sites.google.com/site/trbwomensissues/women-s-issues-annotated-bibliography The completed abstract submission form should be post on the http://wiit-paris2014.sciencesconf.org/
Monday September 2, 2013, COB: Comments are due to the authors on their draft papers submitted by July, 1. Tuesday, November 5, 2013, COB: Final Papers due to IFSTTAR. Word Limit: 8,000 words. Please note the papers of the conference should conform to the standards format for Transport Research Board Papers, which can be found at: http://www.trb.org/AnnualMeeting2013/AM2013ParticipantGuides.aspx Sunday, December 15, 2013, COB: Deadline for the submission of the abstracts. Word Limit: 1000-1500 words. Submitters should include a clear statement of purpose and expected research, as well as information about data sources and methodologies, current status of the work, and up to five bibliographic references. The completed abstract submission form should be post on the http://wiit-paris2014.sciencesconf.org/ If you prepare your poster for presentation, please keep in mind the need to convey the essence of your paper concisely. Each poster should include the following, along with visuals where appropriate: • Your central research question and why it is significant (what is new here); • A brief summary of your data and methods; • Your most salient results and the significance of these results for theory and/ or policy; • Research needs or action needs. Monday January 20, 2014, COB: The authors are notified of the paper review results (paper presentation and poster sessions). Authors of draft final papers accepted for presentation at the conference will receive comments for any requested revisions. Final papers responding to these comments are due by March 3, 2014. Word Limit: 8,000 words. Additionnal changes can be asked to the authors. Monday March 17, 2014: Authors are notified of when their papers are scheduled in the program. April 14-16 2014: Conference. ****************************EDITING AND PRINTING THE WIiT PROCEEDINGS*************************************** All the authors are welcome to submit the final version of their paper (8000 words max) or only the abstract of their paper. Monday, July 7, 2014, COB: Final Papers due to IFSTTAR including the comments received durong the conference. Word Limit: 8,000 words. Please note the papers of the conference should conform to the standards format for Transport Research Board Papers, which can be found at: http://www.trb.org/AnnualMeeting2013/AM2013ParticipantGuides.aspx Monday, September 15, 2014, COB. Authors will receive the acceptance letter We plan the last formating and editing before the end of October and Printing in beginning of November.
Questions concerning the call for abstracts should be directed to: wiit-paris2014@listes.ifsttar.fr |
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